Water and Wastewater Expansion Master Plan
Planning for North Port’s Future
In an ongoing effort to protect our environment as well as expand water and wastewater service, the City of North Port has continually researched responsible and economical solutions to address the community's impact on our natural resources.
Since 1992, the City has been producing Utility Master Plans, all of which recognized that individual onsite septic tanks on so many platted lots would create an environmental challenge for future generations. Now that the necessary water and wastewater treatment capacity has been constructed to serve the needs of the citizens, a program detailing the conversion of the existing platted lot areas with inadequate infrastructure is next on the planning horizon.
On December 7, 2020, the City Commission expressed their desire for staff to move forward with a plan to begin design for one portion of a “sewershed” area, called Blue Ridge-Salford North.
This is depicted as neighborhood “1” on the map below and consists of 1,583 total properties. The estimated time of completion for the first neighborhood is 12-15 years. (Click below to view the sewershed map and estimated dates of completion based on current estimated funding of $2 million per year.)
View expanded map of neighborhood "1"(PDF, 601KB)
Nearly five decades ago, federal legislation was passed amending the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to not allow prolific, conventional, septic tanks on platted ¼ acre lots. Unfortunately, North Port, as well as many other GDC communities had already been platted, bypassing this requirement. However, with the increasing nitrogen loads in our waterways and its effect on the environment, economy and our future, recent State of Florida legislation (Senate Bill 712) has been enacted to help address this.
City of North Port Commissioners have approved a maximum amount for existing homeowners who hook up to the municipal system during the construction process utilizing the early incentive program at $2,255 for wastewater and $5,654 for water and wastewater service. Commission also approved a 30-year payment plan and a hardship program. After construction is complete and the participation period for the early incentive program has passed, homeowners would be required to pay the full amount of the construction cost and capacity fees. Based on similar projects in neighboring communities, the estimated total construction cost without incentives, grants, and matching funding could be up to $35,000. To learn more about these programs, or to sign up, please contact North Port Utilities directly at 941-240-8000.
Why Now
North Port, originally a General Development Corporation (GDC) community like Englewood, Cape Coral, Leigh Acres, Labelle, and Pt. St. Lucie, etc. only expanded water and sewer infrastructure as individual development occurred in the beginning, resulting in a fully serviced core area. The intention was to try to remain ahead of the growth with the infrastructure, but unfortunately, bankruptcy was declared in 1991 and the infrastructure held by GDC in the various cities were turned over by various means, to the respective governments. Now, some 60 years later, North Port is one of the only remaining GDC communities that has not implemented a plan to transition the platted lots to central sewer and water. According to Worldpopulationreview, North Port’s population is number 46 of the 410 incorporated municipalities in the State of Florida. As one of the largest cities within the state of Florida, as well as one of the top cities in the nation for growth and development, it is imperative that North Port address these environmental concerns.
Additional Information
For more information regarding this proposed project, please review our list of frequently asked questions.