
What We Do

Technical Section:

  • Engineering design, analysis, inspections, and management of capital and maintenance projects
  • Staff Development Reviews, right-of-way use permits, storm water management, and contract management

Infrastructure Management Section:

  • Infrastructure inventory and condition assessment
  • Integrated computer Asset Management System
  • Planning, estimating and scheduling maintenance work and projects


How does the City keep up with rising traffic?

The City’s population is growing at unprecedented rates – how does the City keep up with the traffic from newly constructed business and housing developments?

To ensure roads are meeting expectations, routine traffic counts assess the daily and peak-hour traffic conditions of the transportation system. The data obtained from these counts determines the level of service (LOS) using criteria from the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) adopted by the Florida Department of Transportation.

Like the vast majority of similar cities, North Port’s comprehensive plan states that the adopted LOS for our roadways is level "D," meaning that roads that exceed LOS “D” should be evaluated to determine opportunities to increase capacity. Our most recent traffic counts indicate that there were no roads that exceeded this level of service. In addition, we consider each new development using the criteria outlined in the Unified Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan to ensure the implementation of any required local site improvements and possible traffic caused by new development in our concurrency reviews. While everyone would prefer never waiting at a traffic signal, or slowing down to accommodate more cars on the road, increasing the LOS would be expensive and require a lot of land. So while there is more traffic on the roads, the City’s roadway system is functioning as designed.

The City is working closely with the Florida Department of Transportation to improve capacity and functionality at both the Sumter Boulevard and Toledo Blade Boulevard I-75 interchanges. An agreement is being drafted for improvements to both of these locations, with anticipated construction in late 2025. 

Levels of Service

Level of Service General Operating Conditions
A Free flow, with low volumes and high speeds
B Reasonably free flow, but speeds beginning to be restricted by traffic conditions
C Stable flow, but most drivers are restricted in the freedom to select their own speeds
D Approaching unstable flow; drivers have little freedom to select their own speeds
E Unstable flow; may be short stoppages
F Forced or breakdown flow; unacceptable congestion; stop-and-go



What's being done to take care of our roads?

In the summer of 2023, you may have seen a van equipped with multiple cameras and devices driving throughout North Port. That vehicle was part of the road condition assessment study and it gathered valuable data on everything from minor cracks to potential road base damage for in depth analysis.

Over 800 miles of roadway were evaluated, and over 85% of the City’s roadways were found to be in very good or excellent condition. But the study is just one part of the road maintenance program.

Every year the Department of Public Works identifies and addresses road segments that need repair within the Road Rehabilitation program. For 2024 – the Roads included Toledo Blade Boulevard, Eldron Avenue, South Salford and the Ponce De Leon I-75 overpass. In addition, we strive to address pot holes within three days of being reported. Help us keep the roads safe and smooth – report pot hole issues via the North RePort App.


Who owns what road?

With all the work the City does to keep the roads safe and ready for travel, there are roads that may need repair but are not within the City’s jurisdiction. For example, roads within private communities, within shopping centers, or alleyways and similar behind many restaurants and businesses are the responsibility of those owners. Also, the City does not have the ability to address roads within Charlotte County.

What about the condition of the roads right near the I-75 interchanges and on U.S. 41? Even though Sumter and Toledo Blade boulevards are primarily the responsibility of the City of North Port, the areas that approach the interchanges is maintained and operated by FDOT, as is the entire length of 41 through the City. The Department of Public Works has established contacts with FDOT and relays any concerns on road condition to the appropriate parties.