Solid Waste District Non-Ad Valorem Assessment

Solid Waste District Funding

The Solid Waste District is funded by residential assessments and commercial rates. Residential properties are assessed an annual non-ad valorem Solid Waste District assessment of $275 for the fiscal year 2023-2024. Each residence within the District receives the benefit of a base service which includes weekly collection of solid waste in one 35, 65, or 95-gallon automated garbage container, recyclable materials in bins, 35, 65, or 95-gallon automated recycling container, yard waste in 34-gallon containers, 95-gallon automated, paper bags or bundles, and two bulk collections, limited to 5 cubic yards each.  

Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Cost Allocation

Revenues from assessments cover the cost of residential service and revenues from commercial fees cover the cost of commercial service. Both services include wages, fuel, truck maintenance, operational expenses, and disposal charges. Below is a breakdown of the cost of solid waste service for fiscal year 2022-2023. This full cost disclosure is in accordance with the requirements of section 403.7049, Florida Statutes and Chapter 62-708, Florida Administrative Code.

Residential Service Total cost Cost per residence
Residential garbage collection $4,891,786.15 $106.21
Residential garbage disposal $1,824,665.36 $39.62
Residential recycling collection & disposal $4,797,847.87 $104.17
Total $11,514,299.38 $250
Commercial Service Total cost Average cost per cubic yard
Commercial garbage collection $964,980.05 $20.39
Commercial garbage disposal $720,771.99 $15.23
Total $1,685,752.04 $35.62